Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Crack Cocaine Addiction

Are you suffering from crack cocaine addiction? Or do you know someone who you think could be suffering from one? Do you need clarity about it? If you’re looking to figure out if you or someone you know may be suffering from crack cocaine addiction, then this article is perfect for you. Here, we will discuss the top signs and symptoms of crack cocaine addiction. It’s important to be fully aware of them, as the effects of crack cocaine on the body can be harsh and immensely damaging to one’s health.

Crack Cocaine Addiction

Sign #1: Cravings.

You would know that crack cocaine addiction is taking place if you or someone you know has been having intense cravings. These cravings are so powerful that people often end up prioritizing using crack cocaine over doing anything. This is the case because addiction prevents the brain from functioning properly. The self-control and judgment that a person is normally endowed with become absent. As the brain is not in its normal state, it takes a lot of effort for one to be fully aware that addiction is already taking place.

Sign #2: Increasing tolerance.

People who are addicted to crack cocaine crave to use more and more of it. This is because the body builds tolerance over time. As this happens, the level of high and satisfaction gets ever harder to reach as it would require more and more consumption. This leads to a person wanting more and more doses. This is when things begin to get dangerous.

Sign #3: Withdrawal symptoms.

This is experienced when a person who is already addicted to crack cocaine suddenly stops using it. During this time, the person may experience unexplainable fatigue, irritability, anxiety, depression, and intense cravings. This episode, if not seen for what it is, will lead to continued drug use. It’s best if one can be fully aware that he or she is already experiencing withdrawal symptoms. When aware, one can pause and reflect on the fact that addiction is already taking place and something needs to be done. This is the best time to ask for help.

Sign #4: Physical health concerns.

People who are addicted to crack cocaine noticeably suffer from health concerns. Crack cocaine use can lead to respiratory issues, heart problems, dental decay (often referred to as “meth mouth”), and weight loss. People who even use cocaine for long periods were reported to have weakened immune systems.

Crack Cocaine Addiction

Sign #5: Mood swings.

As the brain is not in its normal regulated state, people who are addicted to crack cocaine can be extremely moody. They can have intense euphoria and severe depression all in one day. They could even be extremely irritable when the effects of the drug wear off. If you or someone you know have been experiencing extreme mood swings, then it’s time to pause and reflect on your actions. This may be a sign that you or someone you know is already addicted to cocaine.

Sign #6: Neglect.

If you or someone you know has been out of control and careless when it comes to responsibilities and obligations, crack cocaine addiction may already be taking place. People addicted to crack cocaine use end up neglecting their personal and professional obligations. Crack cocaine addicts end up missing school or work. They lose that part of their brain that can prioritize important things. Their brains get hijacked by one thing and one thing alone — drug use. This is why everything – from work, family, and even self – gets neglected and taken for granted.

Sign #7: Paranoia and Hallucinations.

People suffering from crack cocaine addiction can suffer from hallucinations and paranoia. People who have been using crack cocaine for a prolonged period can start becoming extremely suspicious of others. They can also begin seeing and hearing things that are not even real. This is the case because crack cocaine use can trigger hallucinations and paranoia. This happens because the part of the brain that can stay grounded in reality becomes overwhelmed and hijacked.

Sign #8: Isolation.

People with crack cocaine addiction often prefer to be alone and completely disconnected from everyone. This is the case because individuals become extremely protective of their addiction. It becomes natural for them to withdraw from relationships – family and friends – to conceal their drug use. They do this to avoid judgment and ensure continued and uninterrupted crack cocaine use.

Sign #9: Ricky Behaviors.

Crack cocaine use does something to the brain that makes a person forget his or her past conditioning. This is why crack cocaine addicts end up engaging in activities that they normally would not participate in. The part of the brain that can clearly determine right from wrong and consider consequences gets too overwhelmed to function. Crack cocaine addicts often end up getting involved in criminal activities and dangerous sexual activities. Some even end up driving under the influence.

Sign #10: Financial and Legal Issues.

As a person suffering from crack cocaine addiction can no longer be in control of his brain, everything in his or her life starts to crumble. As there is a constant need to use crack cocaine despite consistent neglect of all obligations and responsibilities, one can end up having legal and financial problems. This is the case because it becomes harder and harder to maintain the use of crack cocaine as it does not come for free. Some get buried in debt, while most end up involving themselves in criminal activities.


Cocaine Addiction
